Thursday, May 27, 2010

Noreen from Merrimack Valley Diapers

Hello! My name is Noreen, and the mother of two gorgeous sons! My oldest son, Nicholas, is 14 years old and my youngest son, Wesley, is 14 months old. My husband, Wes, is a high school physics teacher and I am a high school mathematics teacher. We live in the Merrimack Valley of northeastern Massachuetts, just north of Boston.

I didn't know about cloth diapers when Nicholas was a baby. We used disposable diapers, and always tried to use brand-name diapers. Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of money, and 'sposies are expensive! Looking back on those years, it seemed like we were always treating a diaper rash. We were even given rash cream to take home with us from the hospital!

When I found out that I was pregnant with Wesley, I had a good friend who was already using cloth diapers. She taught me all about the different brands and styles, and even went so far as to sew my entire newborn stash of diapers herself! We brought cloth diapers with us to the hospital, and we continue to cloth diapers full time one year later.

I decided to start Merrimack Valley Diapers as a way to help local families make informed decisions about using cloth diapers. If my friend hadn't already been using cloth, it would have been very hard for me to learn because the closest store to me that sold cloth was over 30 minutes away. I realy enjoy being able to help other families make the switch to cloth, and to help them be successful from birth to potty learning.

I carry brands such as Bottombumpers, Sustainablebabyish, Bummis, Knickernappies, Thirsties, Rockin' Green Soap, EcoNuts, and many more. It would be my pleasure to answer any questions you have about cloth diapers!

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