I am addicted to wool!
Now, I don't own any wool for myself to wear... all of the wool that I own is for my son, Wesley, who recently turned two years old. As a cloth-diapered baby, he has had the great luck to have a godmother who can knit custom longies and soakers like nobody's business! We have a pretty good selection of hand-knit wool, as well as some fabulous interlock wool soakers that I have bought from my favorite WAHM on Etsy.com.
But, up until now, we didn't have any wool that was trim enough to fit under my son's regular pants. So I was very excited when Sustainablebabyish | Sloomb introduce their newest item - Knit Underwoolies!

From the manufacturer:
They come in two sizes (size 1 for 0-12 months, and size 2 for 12 months+) and currently only come in natural wool, but I am thinking seriously about getting another pair and hand-dying them. (I'll probably let Wesley decide what color he wants his new underwoolies to be!) Hmmm... now that I think about it, I like this cover so much that maybe I'll get two more! In the meantime, you can win your own pair of underwoolies...
The GIVEAWAY! (closed)
Merrimack Valley Diapers is giving away one pair of Sustainablebabyish Knit Underwoolies! You choose the size (size 1 or size 2). Giveaway ends Sunday April 24, 2011.
To enter:
(Mandatory Entry) Visit the Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative 'Locate A Retailer' page and find the cloth diaper retailer closest to you. Visit their website, and leave a comment below with BOTH the name of the store AND whether or not you have ever ordered from them before. (If you do not complete this entry, all other entries will be void.)
Follow @MVDiapers on twitter and tweet this giveaway. Please tweet, "Win a pair of Sbish Knit Underwoolies from @MVDiapers! http://bit.ly/i2WKmc #clothdiapers http://bit.ly/cdrcoop". Leave a comment below with a link to your status.
You can tweet once each day for the length of the giveaway. Leave a comment below with your status for each daily tweet.
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Helpful hints and other fun stuff on our blog: http://merrimackvalleydiapers.com/blog
Merrimack Valley Diapers IS the closest cloth retailer to me! It is located in Haverhill MA! :)
ReplyDeleteFollow on Twitter and tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/butterfly1979_/status/59817848448614400
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ReplyDeleteAlready a fan of Merrimack Valley Diapers on facebook.
ReplyDeleteAlready a fan of Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative on facebook.
ReplyDeleteShoot! I forgot to say that I haven't ordered from MVD yet, but plan to soon!
ReplyDeleteMerrimack Valley Diapers is closest to me. I have ordered from them several times :o)
ReplyDeleteFan of Merrimack Valley Diapers
ReplyDeleteFan of Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative
ReplyDeleteSoft and Cozy Baby is closest to me and no, I have never ordered from them.
ReplyDeleteGFC follower.
ReplyDeleteAngel Bunz is the closest to me. Close is a relative term since I currently live in Okinawa, Japan. :) I have never ordered from them but I will have to check them out.
ReplyDeleteAngelBuns two hrs away in Los Angeles and I've never ordered from them. Audioamy AT gmail dot com :)
Just became a fan of Merrimack Valley Diapers!
ReplyDeleteAlready a follower of Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative!
ReplyDeleteJust became a follower of your blog via google friend connect.
ReplyDeletehttp://www.earthangelsdiaperco.com/-Earth Angels Diaper, Co is closest! I haven't ordered from them yet, but I plan to drive through on our next trip to FL.
ReplyDeletemrs.trophywife at ymail dot com
Tweet! http://twitter.com/mrstrophywife1/status/59966058727079936
ReplyDeletemrs.trophywife at ymail dot com
I follow via GFC.
ReplyDeletemrs.trophywife at ymail dot com
I'm a fan of Merrimack Valley Diapers on FB :)
ReplyDeletemrs.trophywife at ymail dot com
I'm a fan of Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative on FB!
ReplyDeletemrs.trophywife at ymail dot com
Diaper daisy is closest to me and I have not ordered from them yet
I'm a fan of the cdrc on Facebook.
I'm a fan of Merrimack Valley Diapers on Facebook
Cottontail Baby seems to be the closest to me- I haven't ordered from them.
ReplyDeletebritni dot wells at gmail.com
I follow your blog!
ReplyDeleteI'm your fan on Facebook.
ReplyDeletemerrimack valley is closest to us, and yes! we have ordered from you :)
ReplyDeletefollow via GFC
ReplyDeletefan of MVD
ReplyDeletefan of CDRC
ReplyDeleteSimple Wonders is the closet to me. I have never ordered from them.
ReplyDeletetomokofive at gmail dot com
follow MVD Diapers on twitter
tomokofive at gmail dot com
MVD is my closest retailer and OF COURSE I have ordered from them!
ReplyDeleteI'm already a Twitter follower and I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/LyssLovingLyla/status/60339512835973122
ReplyDeleteI'm a GFC follower!
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of MVD on facebook!
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of CDRC on facebook!
tomokofive at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteclosest place to me on the map would be MVD! i have not purchased anything from there yet!
ReplyDeletei follow mvd on twitter
ReplyDeletefan on fb of MVD
ReplyDeletefan of CDRC on FB
ReplyDeleteBaby Hope's Cloth Diapers is the closest to me. I haven't ordered from them before but I will chekc out their website now!
ReplyDeleteI am a fan of CDRC on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI am a fan on Merrimack Valley Diapers on FB!
ReplyDeleteMerrimack Valley is the closest to me. I have not been there yet, but have been hoping to when I get some time!
Already a fan of MVD on FB :-)
ReplyDeleteNow a fan of CDRC :-)
tomokofive at gmail dot com
Moms and Bums is the closest retailer to me. I have not purchased from her in the past.
ReplyDeletetaraz9 at excite dot com
ReplyDeletetaraz9 at excite dot com
Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect.
ReplyDeletetaraz9 at excite dot com
(follow MVD on twitter - for last comment)
fan of Merrimack Valley Diapers on facebook - tara e
ReplyDeletetaraz9 at excite dot com
fan of Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative on facebook - tara e
ReplyDeletetaraz9 at excite dot com
tomokofive at gmail dot com
Moms and Bums is the closest to me, and I have ordered from them multiple times (tanya is great!)
ReplyDeletekatiejaneallen at gmail dot com
I am a fan of CDRC on FB
ReplyDeletekatiejaneallen at gmail dot com
tomokofive at gmail dot com
I think the closest to me is My Baby Pumpkin--and I have ordered from them. Actually, my first diaper order was from them!
ReplyDeleteszogediek at yahoo dot com
I follow this blog publicly via gfc
ReplyDeleteszogediek at yahoo dot com
Moms and Bums is the closet retailer to me. I did order from the once before but have never tried wool before!
Tender Loving Cloth Diapers is the nearest store to me. I have never order from them before.
ReplyDeletecelanan at hotmail dot com
The Nappy Shoppe is in Plano, TX, I have not ordered but next chance I get I would love to go check it out. spiersrp at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteI follow GFC Rebecca
ReplyDeletespiersrp at gmail dot com
I like Merrimack Valley Diapers on facebook Rebecca R
ReplyDeletespiersrp at gmail dot com
I like you on facebook Rebecca R
ReplyDeletespiersrp at gmail dot com
tomokofive at gmail dot com
Sweet Littl Blessings in PA is closest to me. I have been to their website numerous times but have never ordered from them.
ReplyDeletebekki1820cb at gmail dot com
GFC follower: Rebecca Orr
ReplyDeletebekki1820cb at gmail dot com
I like Merrimack Valley Diapers on FB: Rebecca Orr
ReplyDeletebekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Merrimack Valley Diapers is closest and I've never bought from them!
ReplyDeleteecoblogz at gmail dot com
I follow with GFC
ReplyDeleteecoblogz at gmail dot com
Fan of MVD on Facebook
ReplyDeleteecoblogz at gmail dot com
tomokofive at gmail dot com
www.nappyshoppe.com and no, I haven't ordered from them. Even though they are the closest they are a LONG ways from me!
ReplyDeletemdt3535 at hotmail dot com
Angel Bunz! I've never ordered from them before.
ReplyDeletemadelinemiller at gmail dot com
I follow you (@MadelineMiller) and tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/MadelineMiller/status/62386651372068864
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I like you on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).
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I like CDRC on Facebook (Madeline Doms Miller).
ReplyDeletemadelinemiller at gmail dot com